The executive on the FVHDA committee are parents of dancers and we know how difficult it is for people to find time to volunteer, to raise funds, and run events, whether it is for highland dancing or other activities. Yet at the same time we are encouraged by the fact dancers and families want to support our organization and our highland dancers to participate in competitions.
The FVHDA is a volunteer run organization. Members are asked to volunteer up to 3 hours a season for each child they have in the association.
Please Contact Lorna Grant immediately if you are not able to make your shift.V
Volunteer Job Descriptions
Door: 2 people
These volunteers are the first people the guests meet.
Admission and programs will be sold at the door.
These volunteers will often be asked for directions within the facility.
Numbers: 2 people
These volunteers distribute the dance numbers.
If there are any dancers arriving with questions or concerns regarding their registration these volunteers will find the registration secretary for clarification.
This person will help at the concession table to prepare and sell food and drink items.
This person must be an adult volunteer.
Line Up:
These volunteers will work in teams of 2 or 3 on each platform.
They will be given a platform schedule as well as group lists for the dancers on their platform.
It is the lineup volunteer’s responsibility to ensure that dancers are:
•in the correct group
•on stage in the correct order
•and that the dancers in the line up area are seated and ready to be called.
These volunteers need to be assertive and clear with their instructions to the dancers in order to avoid any confusion.
The line up volunteers should communicate with the announcer if they are missing dancers or if they need another group called.
One group should always be ready to go and the next group should be waiting to the side.
Where possible a new volunteer will shadow an experienced volunteer in the lineup area in order to learn the job. lineup handbook
Platform Signs:
These volunteers will sit at the front of the theatre.
They will be given a program with a platform schedule to use.
The dances and groups will already be sorted on the stage next to the signs.
This volunteer will watch the dancing and change the signs as the groups and dances change.
These volunteers should make their way back stage as soon as the dancing is finished.
Two volunteers will help in the morning with the stamping of cards for Beginner and Novice dancers.
When a dancer places 1st, 2nd or 3rd we need to stamp the back of his/her dance card.
A copy of the results will be given to the volunteers who stamp cards to make sure that we catch all the dancers needing a stamp on their card.
One volunteer is also needed to help hand out awards on stage.
* This is typically a short shift so you may be asked to do this job at all 3 closed competitions.
This volunteer will collect judges sheets and will take them to the room where the scoring takes place.
These volunteers generally have experience with the computer program that is used for scoring. The are responsible for entering the data from the judges sheets into the computer, verifying that the data is correct and printing results pages.
If there are changes to the line ups – ex a dancer does not show up the competition secretary will need to make changes to the program before we begin the process of data entry.
Competition Setup & Competition Cleanup:
These volunteers will help move boxes to and from the stage and scrutineer room, will set up/take down tables & chairs, hang signs etc.